Revenue is exciting but there is always a need for improved profits. As the CEOs role widens there is a critical gap to be filled. The operations executive must have the diversity and skills to fill that gap and becomes the lock on the back door to protect, foster success and drive profts.
how we can help

We'll make absolutely sure you concentrate on your opportunities.

End-to-end preparation

Most of us are not originally equipped for running a small business.
Your ambitions are in competition with the skills, time, and experience needed for daily operations.
Successful CEOs, celebrities, public figures, and athletes all understand this and depend on outside assistance to close this gap.


We begin by making sure that your company's vision is carried out through the appropriate goals and objectives.


The basis for successful business operations is an actionable strategy.


An experienced record of success helps a small organization to guarantee the outcomes they desire.


Lack of Experience Leads To Failure

According to research published by Harvard Business School, bad management is the prime reason why startups fail.

They surveyed leading venture capitalists and found that 65% said that bad management at the senior level was the major contributing factor to failure in high-potential startups. In their responses, VCs sent a clear message “senior management is the critical ingredient that makes or breaks venture-backed businesses.”

The reality is that founders are inextricable from their business and their attitude and motivations become the company culture. VCs place the highest importance on the founders when selecting investments. Founders were listed as “an important factor” by 95% of VCs, and as “the most important factor” by 47%.

Of course, not all startups are backed by VC firms, so they don’t have the additional support to get off the ground.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We help you identify your most critical gaps

Our focus is on business across all industries.  You are the industry expert and we are here to support that.

We use best practices to help formulate a strategic plan.  Yet, our main focus is helping you execute on a plan.

We first consult, identify critical needs, assess gaps, develop an actionable plan, measure progress, evaluate results along the way and make adjustments where required to meet goals and objectives.

We have other services that may be of value to your success: executive coaching, life coaching and management and leadership training and support.

We are confident in our ability to meet your requirements.  The requirements and measurable goals will be agreed upon prior to commencing work.  We bill on an hourly basis unless otherwise negotiated, therefore, you pay as you go.

What can we help you overcome?

Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.